Monday, October 23, 2006

A dream come true

This weekend was a drunken mess for me. But it's been so long since I've had one of those, so it's ok.

I had school all day on Saturday. I finished the first class of my two year program. Yay for me!

Saturday night was spent at Hobart to celebrate Ivy's birthday. We had a glorious time. I did 3 carbombs as soon as I got there, so I was immediately drunk. The rest of the night was spent sipping on Champagne and Sparks. I will post photos from this glorious night soon.

On Sunday, Matt, Aric and I arrived late to Ivy's birthday brunch and I chain smoked and sipped on Chimay at the end of the table just being a plain old grump.

Then we walked up to Pharmacy and played Big Buck Hunter all afternoon. I finally got to enjoy Sunday Buck Hunter with Matt. He thinks I'm cute when I'm killing.

After Buck Hunter we were heading home to get ready for the Little Steven's Rock show at the Cat, but decided to go to Toledo for more drinks and some food.
Everyone was drunk and loud.

Then we all piled in Jay's car back to Mt P. He dropped me and Matt off at home and we both passed out at 9pm. Woke up at 1am, got ready for bed and passed back out.

Overall, the weekend was glorious. I only have 2 work days this week, then it's off to Kentucky for April and Adam's wedding. yay.

Now for a dream come true - Casablancas and Schwartzman:



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