Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Seder with the Cladlerbergs:

Last nite was the first nite of Passover and Seder with Sarah's family. I couldn't go to Seder at my aunt's house because they decided to spend the Jewish holidays in Italy.

Betty had adorned the table with little Passover props - hail, locusts, cattle, frogs, baby Moses made out of clay and paper. Afikomen cover that A.C. made in 1980 (while on mushrooms?). The cows had heads that kept falling off and when you wound them up, they actually looked diseased. They would fall down and their heads popped off. Erin Worley kept throwing little pieces of hail at Sarah and Betty. A.C. kept trying to takeover passover and speed his way through it so that he could watch the NCAA final game. Danny kept getting blamed for eating all the food and being the youngest child. Simone decided not to play Seder with us (she is only 4) and build a farm for the mad cows out of legos. Everytime she ran away David had to go retrieve her and when he would sit down they candlesticks on the table would sway. Liz started to get a little thinky at the table and I had to rub her shoulder. Bubbe was so cute and must have thought we all were crazy. 5 glasses of wine later Betty was singing Passover ditties at extremely high speeds and recalling a time when she was 10 and thought that Manashevits was grape juice and got drunk and then had to go up and sing these same songs at synagogue and won a silver dollar.

After dinner I made a skirt out of the taffata napkins that we used. These napkins were hilarious because if anything fell on your lap it would slide right of the napkins and onto the floor. Before dinner A.C. asked if the napkins were made out of leather and we all joked about how they couldn't absorb anything.

Sarah got a new cellphone and I was so excited and could not stop thanking Pop, because now she doesn't have to use my cellphone anymore. It's funny when we are out and I take out my cellphone because before I know it Sarah has slid it across the table so she can view it.

I also had to have a small panic attack after dinner because while playing with the locusts (grasshoppers) on the table, we started to discuss Brood X (see Sarah's for more info) I was almost crying as everyone was discussing the swarms of locusts that we are going to have this summer. Honestly, I don't know if I can handle this. Either I am dating an exterminator or taking Danny and driving out West.



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