Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I should be sleeping.

Sarah and I stayed out way too late on Sunday night. We were supposed to leave Baltimore after the Frequency finished playing, but we were waiting for AC to finish up with his stuff and then we were going to go and besides we were having way too much fun. The second band that played were really horrible. I couldn't stand them. The Talking Head is cool because it has all these hidden rooms and little spaces and staircases that go up someplace and down another place. They also have a really good jukebox with a lot of Sonic Youth in it. I couldn't drink, since I had spent most of the weekend in either a state of being drunk or hungover and I was extremely tired. So, I drank club sodas all nite. When the third band went on, Warnock told us to go downstairs, and he was not wrong, Bobby Conn was incredible. Sarah described it as Rufus Wainwright meets the cast of Cats. 6-piece band in tracksuits, boys in skirts. Glitter makeup. We were completely blown away. Warnock told us that they have been around for like 9 years. Where the hell have we been? People are always telling me that I have a knack for knowing about the next big thing, but this?? This IS the next big thing - almost. I mean I want everyone to experience this band. Sarah and I had to stand on a bench to see them and dance. We kept looking at each other and shaking our heads in disbelief at how amazing they were. After their set, we went to check out their merch. Erin Worley bought us their CD and we finally got a copy of the Frequency. At about 1:00 we decided that we were completely wiped out for the weekend, but Sarah was drunk now and it was hard to get her to leave. She had to check out Sebastian in a speedo while he was drumming and then we left out one of the secret back staircases.

The ride home was interesting. Sarah's job was to talk to me, because even though we were listening to Bobby Conn, I kept trying to doze off. While on the BW Parkway I started talking to Sarah about the idea of the body not tiring. It would be great if the human body did not require sleep. I mean I love sleeping, but sometimes you feel like you loose important hours in the day. It would be incredible if people did not get tired. Think about the possibilities. You could exercise all the time and not tire. You could work 2 jobs. You could go to work, come home, go out and then go to another job without ever breaking. You could drive for hours and never shut your eyes, road trips without ever stopping except to go to the bathroom or get a snack. As I was talking in depth about this to Sarah we passed our exit for Washington. I was so tired and stupid. Then we were hungry and Sarah had to pee. I kept asking her if she wanted me to stop on the side of the road. We were near Dream and I kept changing my mind that it probably wouldn't be the best idea. Then we wanted snacks, but we didn't have any cash. Finally, we found a Wendy's that was open, so she went in, but we didn't want to eat there. But as soon as we left, we saw a McDonalds. The drive-thru line was really long and we were only really waiting to see if they took credit, but I had a feeling that they didn't so we left. The rest of the drive was very silly, we stopped at 7-11 for out snacks and walked home. I felt drunk, even though I had only been drinking club sodas all night.

Maybe the only problem with the body not requiring sleep would be how would you recover from being drunk. You really can only do this with sleep. The alcohol needs to leave the body without you ever knowing, otherwise it would be hell. That's why your body hurts so much the morning after you have been wasted.

The next day I left work early to go home and sleep.



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