Sunday, June 13, 2004

On Friday night, it was pouring rain. Liz, Sarah and I were planning to go out, but the rain was depressing so we decided to drink beer at home and go to the Raven. We ended up playing Scrabble without keeping score, which so much better, you can really focus on the words that you make such as clit, vulgar and musketeer. Then Anne Ray came over and we listened to Franz Ferdinand, The Killers and The Faint and attempted to find a good place in DC to dance to rock music. We realized that they is no such place and went to Mantis instead. I wore my white Pierre Cardin jacket which is so 80s and so HOT. It had stopped raining, so we walked. Mantis is super trendy, but super lame and super empty. So we strolled down 18th, ran into Rishi, debated where to go and decided on the Ghana Cafe and danced to dance hall music upstairs and a reggae cover band downstairs. The evening ended back at my house, where Kelly met up with us and told us about her nite at Cafe Citron. Eventually, we were all too wasted to stay up any longer.

Saturday morning was very hard. I woke up with a headache, met Liz and Perry at Dos Gringos, where we ran into Kelly who was trying to jog, but couldn't without her head hurting. I was having trouble with just drinking my latte. Sarah and I spent the rest of the day driving around Bethesda and sitting at Bubbe's pool. By the time we got back home, I was such a wreck. I had no energy and it was 7 PM and I still had a headache. Apparently, the cure was a combo of Aleve, meat and beer. BBQ at Perry's on his new grill. Sean, Ben and Avram were there and at 12:00 we headed over to the Raven where we met up with Kelly.

Things started to get really nuts around 1:00 a.m. Shots every 15 minutes. We were celebrating Avram's birthday a few days early and Kelly told him that if he took the silver birthday banner off the wall and took of his shirt and wrapped it around him that she would buy him a bottle of rum. So . . . he did it. And then everyone started taking off their shirts and pulling down their pants and it was crazy. We were all dancing in the small space in the Raven. Avram and Perry took turns "macking" on this girl, Marion. Perry made out with her, Avram got the digits. Avram was more wasted than I have ever seen him, and we left the bar at 3:00 stood around outside for a bit. There was no way that Sarah and I were letting Av crash on our extra mattress, too drunk. So we went down to the diner to fill him belly and send him on his way. He was such a mess, he kept getting really outraged or really sad. And it was totally annoying. I had to yell at him a bunch. I am such a trooper because I can drink and drink and drink and leave the bar completely sober, well not sober, but not acting like an idiot. So I can apologize to people for his behavior, which is completely embaressing, but completely necessary. I left the diner with a milkshake, a drunk roommate, and a belligerent drunk. On the corner, there about 10 cops arresting about 4 men. Avram felt the need to start yelling, "this is infringements on their civil rights" really loud right in front of the cops. They started looking at him and I thought that they were about 5 seconds away from arresting him. We told him to shut the fuck up, but he just said it again, but louder. Then Sarah attacked him with her purse, which made the strap break again. We basically had to leave Avram on the street and walk away, but we knew he would catch up - he was just acting like a drama queen. Avram left, I called him to make sure that he got home okay - he did. I had a great nite!!


Sarah woke up for work and I drove her there.

Avram puked in the shower this morning.

I had a bass lesson at 1:00 at Ben's.

We designed the flier for his show.

I have to go get ready to go to Baltimore for a BBQ with the Frequency and Trans Am.



At 11:22 AM, Blogger Avram Polinsky said...

Most of that story seems pretty consistent with my recollections, except at no point did I vomit. The next day Sara called me as I was driving, and I couldn't hear her so well, but I told her that my little sister was even more hung over than me and she puked in the shower.
Please make any nessasary corrections.
I will be working on my side of the story throughout the day.


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