Monday, March 01, 2004

I was such a strugglefest mess on Saturday nite.

Saturday was spent all day driving around with Sarah and shopping. A little over my budget - I funded myself a White Stripes inspired get up for the evening event of Perry's birthday. I looked cute, but it took me like 45 minutes to find a parking spot and for some of that time (only like two DC block) I did not have my headlights on - crimeny!! Once I got to the Helix Hotel I downed some vodka tonics and we headed over to Dragonfly. I started drinking at 11:00 and was a goner by 12:41. I remember the specific time because I was in the bathroom stall with my head in my hands and I heard someone say this was the time. It made me think of the Strokes song 12:51 and I wanted to start singing that in the bathroom, but sung it in my head instead.

I tried to go back to the party, but the beats of the music made me want to jump to my death so I had to go outside for some air. I sat outside for like 20 minutes before everyone left the bar. Then it was off to Cafe Citron. I seriously could only be in that place for like 5 minutes before I had to sit down on a couch and it only took another 5 minutes before I headed to the bathroom. The line was too long so I ran outside. I sat there for like an hour in the cold (but I didn't even know that it was cold.) A bunch of crazies came up to me for different reasons (ie "can I have a cigarette, a dollar, a fill in the blank?) or to see if I was okay - and I told them that I was fine and to leave me alone. Soon I was acutally starting to freeze so I went back inside. Liz bought me a water and I felt like I might be okay, but as everyone started closing their tabs I ran outside and finally finally I puked. As I was walking and then in front of an office door entrance. And all over my new shoes. But I didnt care - after I was done with that I felt like I had been revived from the dead. Or like the undead becuz I was shivering and confused. I felt great though.

Soon I found everyone - who had just left the bar. Liz was carrying around a huge sheet cake with a sushi knife in the box. Every so often she would open the box to eat cake with her hands or show someone the knife. Sarah kept falling down on the ground and her thigh highs would no longer stay up. I kept having this problem where I would walk down the street and my heels would get stuck in the sidewalk cracks and then i would keep walking and my shoe would be stuck and my foot would be on the pavement. That was pretty painful and annoying and really not good for my new shoes.

Tyler lent me his coat so that I wouldn't freeze. We waited for Perry and Cooper in Fuddruckers for like 30 minutes and then got a cab back to Helix. I ate some spicy fries and felt able to drive home. I was home and in bed at 4:30 a.m. Listened to a drunk message from Liz and fell asleep.

Sunday was spent packing, watching the Independent Spirit Awards and Short Cuts, unpacking in the new apartment and watching the Academy Awards.

Weekend over - back to work. Next weekend is the BIG move.



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