Monday, September 13, 2004

Cuz breaking up is hard to do, but I want to read about it.

This could possibly be my new favorite website.



At 1:20 PM, Blogger Avram Polinsky said...

That is such a great website.
Kudos for your find.
It's really funny, plus it lets all the lurkers out there know where to find chicks on the rebound.

I find a site you might like. It's a comic strip based on MegaMan called Megadork. I think they only have like 10 episodes, hopefully more.

At 3:11 PM, Blogger Avram Polinsky said...

That is a soupersweet link.
Nice work.
It's funny and informative. It also lets all the lurkers out there know where to find ladies on the rebound.
Here's a link you might like. It's a comic strip based on MegaMan. I think there's only like 10 or so, but they are pretty good. Also it's called Megadork.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Avram Polinsky said...

I didn't think the first comment worked, so I did it again. It looks as if both managed to make it. Both say the same thing, but worded differently. So which is the better comment, #1 or #2?

At 10:22 AM, Blogger this is me said...

I like seeing both, I like to see how your recreate your own comment.


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