Thursday, December 21, 2006

Weening myself back

Last night I attempted to ween myself out of my study hole. I just finished my first semester of grad school and have spent the better part of the past 4 months studying and writing, not to mention working 40 hours a week. And now I have a full month off before the next semester. Anyway, Matt and I went to Liz and Jehan's taco night and I basically sat in the corner and stared at my shoes for 3 hours. Weening myself back to social interaction is a slow process. I hope to make another step tonight at Jay's DJ night at Saint Ex.

Next week I am taking vacation. I'm not going anywhere, just hanging around at home. I want to make some doctor appointments, paint my living room, read, catch up on movie watching and hang out with friends. Hopefully I don't waste the week watching too much tv. I need to take advantage of the next month because following that I will be in school for a full year, no summer break.

There are a lot of things to look forward to in the next few weeks: currently Hannukah, Xmas, 2nd Annual Birthday Bar Crawl, NYE, Matt's Birthday, My Birthday and our 2 year anniversary!

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Upcoming Shows:

Dec 22:Macitajs on Acid @ the Black Cat

Jan 7:Len Bias, High Fives Happy Endings @ the Black Cat

Jan 11: The Hard Tomorrows @ Wonderland

Jan 19: Benjy Feree @ The Black Cat

Jan 22: Camera Obscura & Essex Green @ 9:30 Club

Feb 9:The Rapture @ Sonar

Feb 13: Stellastar* @ Rock n Roll Hotel

Feb 25: the One AM Radio @ Warehouse Nextdoor

Mar 4: Scissor Sisters @ 9:30 Club

Mar 6:Badly Drawn Boy @ 9:30 Club

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